Teacher of AEQ Breathing® Level 1

Only teachers of the AEQ method may sign up to an AEQ breathing seminar.

Your teacher

Aleš Ernst, author of the AEQ Method

I work daily with clients who turn to me mainly because of chronic muscular pain. I teach them different perspectives on the causes of pain and constraints that they feel every day. They will eliminate pain and improve movement and poor posture with better understanding and exercises, if exercises are performed regularly, of course. My clients are also professional athletes, coaches, and recreational athletes who want to keep up with the success they have achieved with hard work. AEQ Method enables you to successfully overcome stress and pain by increasing the effectiveness and control of the movement, thus improving results, restoring motivation, and redefining goals and ambitions, all without pain. AEQ Method teaches us to control our bodies better, as well as the mind, and to increase control and complexity of movements and work. I am the author of the book » Out of chronic pain with ease«. I witness daily significant positive changes that the AEQ Method brings into the lives of my clients and their results.

About the seminar

To study in detail and understand the importance of proper breathing on general well-being, physical and mental abilities, autonomic nervous system, and the ability to focus and learn. The seminar enables you to acquire the necessary knowledge on how to slow down the flow of air and blood through the lungs and increase the efficiency of the respiratory and vascular system which increases the quality of performance of all other processes in the body. The seminar will place the biggest emphasis on how the influence of emotions and muscle blockages, due to the suppression of feelings in childhood, affect reduced respiratory performance. The importance of the knowledge and the understanding that is gained at the seminar is increasing because improper breathing with athletes and recreational athletes is responsible for an incorrect understanding of their training and greatly increases the severity of injuries and how frequently they occur. At the same time, it enables long-term improvement and regulation of breathing while successfully eliminating the problems that other respiratory methods are not able to fix (yoga, Pilates, Wim hof, Buteyko, partly Oxygen Advantage…).

The seminar consists of a theoretical part that will allow you to understand breathing and its impact on all physical and mental processes and the role of breathing on the formation and control of emotions, and a practical part of learning AEQ breathing exercises and breathing protocols for calming the air flow and the normalization of inhaled air and gas exchange in the respiratory system. You will understand what kind of delusions and misconceptions dominate our health system, sports and many other areas where “proper healthy breathing” is being taught through muscle strengthening and stretching.

  • The purpose of knowing the connections and the principles that cause the contractions and reductions in breathing efficiency is to ensure that the teacher of AEQ breathing can properly explain the causes of present conditions which helps reduce the numbness of the body.
  • The purpose of AEQ breathing exercises is to increase the muscle expansion in the torso and to establish a suitable breathing space in the lower lungs, to improve awareness and sensation of the workings of the respiratory system and to improve control over the respiratory muscles and respiratory process. A basic prerequisite for proper breathing is the ability to expand the abdominal cavity – most people today have a very contracted one.
  • The purpose of breathing protocols is to lessen, through AEQ breathing exercises, ineffective breathing and respiratory hyperventilation and increase a proper, horizontal breathing that is appropriate to our present state in and around the membrane.
  • The AEQ approach for eliminating respiratory abnormalities and limitations is not based on stretching and strengthening the respiratory muscles but on eliminating sensory-motor amnesia (SMA) in the functioning of the emotional and respiratory system. You will learn the main causes that lead to the formation of a dysfunctional respiratory system through emotional trauma in early childhood and the physical consequences of the ego’s unrealistic relationship with the body that develops afterward.
  • Through learning AEQ breathing exercises and protocols, you will notice and feel your own SMA in this part of the body, you will understand it and learn how to regulate your own breathing and respiratory function in the following months.
  • Through connecting this knowledge with your own experience, you will be able to teach your clients the right attitude to breathing, individually and/or in workshops – either independently as AEQ breathing® or as part of the AEQ method® and AEQ exercises®.
  • AEQ breathing® has a very positive effect on clients and improves the effects of the AEQ method®, their psychosomatic well-being, and it significantly increases their quality of life.
  • This knowledge enables a comprehensive and faster regulation of conditions such as: back pain, neck pain and shoulder pain, high pressure, heart arrhythmia, headaches and migraines, while it is essential for eliminating snoring, respiratory interruptions, asthma, bronchitis, respiratory allergies, food allergies and depression.

Part of the seminar will be dedicated to the effectiveness of breathing and how it influences sport abilities, and how this teaching is important for clients who are recreational or top athletes. Among them, irregular breathing is almost 100% present and as a result they have a lot of problems with achieving results and being in bad shape – for which they cannot find the causes. They usually try to solve them by increasing the load, speed and complexity of training which in turn leads to even greater problems and illnesses in the long term. Top athletes who add AEQ breathing® into their training process report big progresses that were not previously possible at all – especially because they are made in such an easy and painless way.

Part of the seminar will be dedicated to the effectiveness of breathing and how it influences sport abilities, and how this teaching is important for clients who are recreational or top athletes. Among them, irregular breathing is almost 100% present and as a result they have a lot of problems with achieving results and being in bad shape – for which they cannot find the causes. They usually try to solve them by increasing the load, speed and complexity of training which in turn leads to even greater problems and illnesses in the long term. Top athletes who add AEQ breathing® into their training process report big progresses that were not previously possible at all – especially because they are made in such an easy and painless way.

The seminar encapsulates:

A certified AEQ teacher of breathing Level 1 is able to

An AEQ teacher of breathing Level 1 is able to teach basic AEQ breathing exercises with which he/she teaches the students to expand their abdominal cavity (this is a prerequisite for proper inhalation into the entire lungs) by increasing their ability to relax the muscles of the torso between the shoulders and pelvis. He/she knows how to teach and advise the appropriate approach for eliminating somatic issues caused by ineffective breathing, and how to enhance the abilities of recreational athletes.

Part of the material will be covered in a textbook and part will be explained through lectures. An integral part of the seminar will be making summaries of textbook articles, which will be a mandatory part of schooling and a condition for obtaining the title of AEQ teacher of breathing Level 1.

An integral part of the seminar for AEQ teacher of breathing Level 1 is writing homework. Homework is received at appropriate intervals after the end of the seminar – it enables the teachers to dive into a greater depth of perception, in combination with the audio recordings of the seminar, of the areas covered by the seminar. In this way, the seminar lasts almost 6 months and gives you the time that it takes to get to know yourself and with it understand others whom you will help with the AEQ method.

Questions and Applications at: education@aeq.si

The seminar is led by Aleš Ernst, author of AEQ Breathing, instructor of Oxygen Advantage method®

Pictures from the seminar

Testimonials about the AEQ metode® seminars

Your program gave me a lot. Your words constantly echo through my head. Especially the saying that if you hit a wall, it feels no pain, but you do.
Mojca Centrih, Teacher of AEQ Method® Level 1
In the beginning, I pressed my heel and shoulders with all my strength and all possible muscles into the ground…
AEQ AIDEA Podcast #1 – What are traumas? (w/ English subtitles)
AEQ klinička somatika: Intervju sa Alešom Ernstom (v hrvaškem jeziku)
Stress and emotions
Uroš Petan, Teacher of AEQ Method® Level 1
When I wake up, I have a bigger desire to work than before I joined this program.

Thank you, I am very pleased. The structure going forward also makes a lot of sense. I wrote the exercises in advance according to the numbers of the days of the month and I do them whenever I have the time and space for it. They keep me grounded and I am very comfortable with the rational basis of knowledge that once came to me through yoga.

I got the chance to experience how low can someone who is disconnected from with himself fall – how hard it is when you can’t tell which voice inside you is the voice of ego and which voice is the one of heart, of your body. Specifically, when you can’t…

On the right side of the back muscles at the level of the shoulder blade, it cut me as if I had been stabbed with a knife. All the muscles on the body were activated; only then, with your warning, did I gradually relax the ones I didn’t need.

When I press my right shoulder into the ground, my arm muscles still participate in the movement.

https://youtu.be/tEAsLp3KfZk HOW CAN I HELP MYSELF?

Pozdrav svima

Za današnji post sam intervjuirao sjajnog Aleša Ernsta, koji je još uvijek nepoznat većini fitness entuzijasta i sportaša, unatoč njegovom sjajnom radu i AEQ metodi koju je sam konstruirao i usavršio.

Upravo zato sam ga odlučio intervjuirati, da saznate više o Alešu i njegovoj sjajnoj metodi rada koja je, po mom mišljenju, prijeko potrebna velikoj većini populacije, bez obzira bavili li se ikakvim sportom, vježbanjem ili rekreacijom, ili samo želite ukloniti bolove i kretati se sa što manje napora.

The influence of the modern era activates a stress response, while our consciousness isn’t aware of the threat, which activated the body’s stress response. This is also necessary if there are too many things causing…

I have been feeling »weak« ever since the first part of the seminar, which was 3 days ago. My muscles are somewhat painful as they are finally relaxed and elongated for the first time in years. My energy level is up to approximately 65 % now. I have…

Along with the growth of self-awareness, self-control also increases – we improve control over our lives and make more realistic judgments of reality. We cut our selves into the real notions it has about itself and the environment.

We may begin to mention this pattern, complain about it, or recognize it in other people. Somehow it floats to the surface of our attention, and we begin to establish a relationship with it. We often attract a teacher, friend…

The third week of the program brought a lot of changes in the way I feel things. For the first time ever, I clearly felt the blockade in my neck. Similar things are now happening in both sides of my torso. I can’t think of my neck as a whole in certain positions and I have trouble contracting it completely, even though it would make execution of an exercise easier.

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