Thank you for your devoted leadership and for your in-depth explanations

I heard about the AEQ method from my daughter after mentioning to her that I feel an escalation of tingling feelings from my left shoulder toward my neck. I also started having issues with carpal tunnel a few years ago, and I’ve been also feeling irritating itchiness around my left shoulder where I supposedly have a trapped nerve. I’ve known for a long time that I am overly contracted in my neck and shoulders and when you retire it supposedly only gets worse. It became clear later that AEQ is some sort of an emotional cleanse as well and can affect your emotional maturity, in other words, shows you who you really are authentically.

Continue ReadingThank you for your devoted leadership and for your in-depth explanations

Even though I am used to not listening to my body I am now more aware of how deeply my face muscles, neck muscles, back muscles and shoulder muscles are contracted

I feel that participating in your breathing program has helped me take one step closer toward myself. Even though I am used to not listening to my body I am now more aware of how deeply my face muscles, neck muscles, back muscles and shoulder muscles are contracted. I am aware of how much burden I have been carrying on my shoulders. Slowly but surely my awareness is changing. I love doing the exercises because they need to be done slowly with focusing on the body. It took me a long time to learn how to sense which muscles are shortening and which one are lengthening.

Continue ReadingEven though I am used to not listening to my body I am now more aware of how deeply my face muscles, neck muscles, back muscles and shoulder muscles are contracted

Your program gave me access to new depths and new dimensions, I learned so many new things about myself and I thank you very much for it.

For the first few weeks of the program, I felt terribly cold and it felt awful to feel it – I needed hot showers afterwards to stabilize myself. Toward the end I gradually warmed up, I was even sweating through the standing exercises. It was a great experience because I never exercised standing up before – I probably didn’t trust my own feet enough to hold me and I was scared to stand firmly on them. Through the physical changes new insights came up about who I am, how much pressure I put on myself, how much guilt I carry inside me, and I could also see my environment more clearly – where and how do I allow to be abused and humiliated.

Continue ReadingYour program gave me access to new depths and new dimensions, I learned so many new things about myself and I thank you very much for it.

I am looking forward to attend your next breathing program.

After doing your 30-day program my kyphosis disappeared. I got up in the morning, touched my neck because I felt something was different, and I could not believe that there was no bump on my neck, or at least it was so much smaller that it felt different. Have my muscles relaxed so much that they changed my bone structure or what exactly happened? Is this really possible, or am I dreaming? I also noticed that I now wake up every morning with a swollen body, especially my wrists, fingers, eyelids, under my eyes, and also my ankle and feet.

Continue ReadingI am looking forward to attend your next breathing program.

I feel more peace inside me, I take more time for myself, I am people pleasing less.

I am doing the exercises regularly and I know that this time is meant just for me (at first, 30 minutes felt long – my old patterns turned on – but when I go into the exercise slowly it feels like they go by really quickly – feels like a new experience), to explore my depths. Because of this I execute the exercises differently because I know that I have enough time for all the details instead of just trying to satisfy my mind by doing them carelessly and getting low quality results. After doing the exercises, including the breathing exercises, that I’ve learned in the programs I feel better and better more and more often.

Continue ReadingI feel more peace inside me, I take more time for myself, I am people pleasing less.

I can happily confirm that my days now go by without any pain even though it used to be a constant

It has been a year in March since I first visited Aleš. Before AEQ exercises my leg pain was unbearable. I had the most issues with my left hip. Sometimes the pain was so severe that I couldn’t make a step with my foot. After having an operation on my left hip my condition didn’t change, there were moments where it got even worse. My orthopedist suggested to block the pain in my left hip and operate the right hip. I am glad that I met with psycho-somatics at that time and decided to not have the operation.

Continue ReadingI can happily confirm that my days now go by without any pain even though it used to be a constant

I’ve grown closer with my partner, we are now more connected as a family, more love and support are felt.

I haven’t been in contact for a while. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the exercises, advice and wisdom that you have shared with me. My life changed for the better, it is more beautiful and more peaceful. There has been no more talk about inheritance after setting boundaries to my parents though, nevertheless, I feel deep satisfaction from this experience because it made me see that I am capable of mature and responsible communication – this has been mission impossible with my father in the past.

Continue ReadingI’ve grown closer with my partner, we are now more connected as a family, more love and support are felt.

It wasn’t easy but it was necessary so that I could start feeling my legs more and consequently start moving into the right direction in life.

This is my opinion of the 30-day program for the bottom part of the body. Through the program, I became aware of new things about myself - my legs and my body core felt like strangers to me, I started feeling my suppressed emotions and events because they became so obvious that I could not deny them anymore – they started triggering me with anger, sadness, happiness and satisfaction like a pendulum, up and down, up and down, …

Continue ReadingIt wasn’t easy but it was necessary so that I could start feeling my legs more and consequently start moving into the right direction in life.

Her body immediately responded to therapy but only to gentle techniques not to strong ones.

Today I felt a need to reach out and tell you a story. I had a patient with chronic shoulder pain. Immediately after examination, I knew that the primary cause for her pain was not shoulder calcification but excessive contraction of muscles and connective tissues that has been active for many years. The contraction (sensory-motor-amnesia) was so strong that her body did not even respond to therapy - nor to gentle techniques nor to stronger ones. After a few sessions we stopped and I explained to her that I am not able to help her with my knowledge and I directed you toward your programs.

Continue ReadingHer body immediately responded to therapy but only to gentle techniques not to strong ones.

I feel confidence and inner peace. I took a very brave step and quit my job. It makes me happy that I was able to make a new step forward in my life.

It made me feel so excited when I realized that I can intertwine the AEQ method with my career as a physiotherapist and I also learned a lot about myself as well. I had a thought that there is a long and challenging journey ahead of me. Then I did a 30-day AEQ Breathing program. The exercises that we were doing laying down felt pleasurable but the moment you said that we will be doing them standing up my legs became shaky and I also started to feel nervous. I felt at war within myself – why can I do the exercises with ease when laying down but feel blocked when standing up? When summer came, I wanted to pull away from everything. I remembered your question – why don’t I move to the same place that my partner lives?

Continue ReadingI feel confidence and inner peace. I took a very brave step and quit my job. It makes me happy that I was able to make a new step forward in my life.