Before I decided to take the AEQ training, I met with AEQ exercises through a colleague who had done the AEQ seminar Level 1. I became fond of the AEQ method and AEQ exercises, which led me to realize how am I and what is going on around me – the illusion of perfection started fading and instead I started seeing the real picture that I didn’t like at all. This awareness led me to the path of AEQ Teacher Level 1 training, then AEQ Breathing Level 1 training, and last year towards the end of the year to AEQ Teacher Level 2 training.
When you realize that if you don’t dare to take risks you will stay in the so-called subconscious cage, which is taught and has a function to not take risks. At the AEQ Teacher Level 2 seminar, I became so much more aware of this and that it is very important that we learn to consciously change our subconscious patterns that we have acquired from our ancestors, parents, teachers or people who have had an impact on us in childhood.
At Level 2, there was a big emphasis on emotions and the subconscious. Once we succeed and get access to the subconscious, we can start changing at the body level, our posture, reduce SMA (sensory-motor amnesia), and begin to grow emotionally. SMA keeps us in our subconscious patterns, and by reducing it our muscle tone also decreases which means we have more life force energy (which was previously trapped in our muscle tone). We feel better when we have more life force energy and it gives us the opportunity to start enjoying our life. I realized that I was observing my emotions only, and when I was expressing them, I was doing it incorrectly, childlike even – this, obviously, isn’t suitable for an adult around at the age of 40.
Level 2 seminar gave me the opportunity to understand the true meaning of emotions, to allow myself to feel them, confront them and express them. I am better with some and worse with others because my subconscious still resists a lot. I am aware that emotional maturity is important here, and the AEQ method is very helpful with that.
I have to admit that at the AEQ Level 2 teacher seminar, I was not pleased when Aleš explained to me how the subconscious works in the case of my mother and I, and that if I don’t change the subconscious patterns that are between us, they will continue onward… That’s when I realized it is really necessary to do this, because if I don’t dare doing it, the next generations will have the same subconscious patterns as I have.
The seminar lasts 5 days and is really extensive – you receive a lot of knowledge and insights that you can then integrate into new experiences and challenges – your awareness shifts to a higher level.
Level 2 also offered me greater connectedness between the body and the mind which made it easier to put into words what the AEQ method and the logic of the AEQ method is. I can also notice and feel better what is happening to people as well… Learning the AEQ exercises after Level 2 also got a different flavor, I started really enjoying to learn them, and I felt happier when diving into them and exploring them.
The bright side of the whole Covid situation was that it helped our Level 2 group connect more through online communication. We meet 3x a week online and each time, one of us leads an exercise and then we share experiences, opinions and the sensations that we get during the exercises. Personally, this helps me to gain experience, a deeper understanding of the exercises and also myself. We’ve forged a really nice bond with each other, we know that we’re all in similar situations, we stand by each other and support each other, and even though the seminar is over, we still continue to learn.
Karmen Kovač, Teacher of AEQ Method® Level 2