AEQ education is a process that broadens the horizons of our consciousness and free will. Moshe Feldenkrais is considered the pioneer of clinical somatics, which was substantiated and used by Elsa Gindler, F. Mathias Alexander...
AEQ education is a process that broadens the horizons of our consciousness and free will. Moshe Feldenkrais is considered the pioneer of clinical somatics, which was substantiated and used by Elsa Gindler, F. Mathias Alexander...
Skozi večletno prakso opažam, da je 80 do 90 % kroničnim bolečinam vzrok senzorno-motorična amnezije (SMA). To je stanje, v katerem senzorno-motorični nevroni cerebralnega korteksa izgubijo del sposobnosti zaznavanja in nadzora skeletnih mišic. Senzorno-motorična amnezija ne nastane niti kot organska lezija v cerebralnem corteksu niti kot vidna poškodba mišično-skeletnega sistema. Pojavlja se kot funkcionalni primanjkljaj, ko se sposobnost cerebralnega korteksa za nadzor kontrakcij skeletnih mišic prenese v subkortikalne senzorno motorne povratne zanke. Te kronično ukazujejo dvig mišičnega tonusa nad realno potrebno raven v pretekosti sprogramirani ravni v 10 %, 30 %, 60 % tonusa. Hkrati pa cerebralni korteks v ustreznem razmerju izgubi zmožnost sprostitve teh mišičnih skupin, ki so v stanju SMA. Takim mišičnim skupinam tonus lahko zavestno dvigujemo, ne moremo pa jih sprostiti - znižati tonusa pod raven, ki jo določa subkortikalna senzorno povratna zanka. Tega se neposredno ne zavedamo, čeprav čutimo posledice povišanega povprečnega tonusa.
With learning AEQ method, we eliminate sensory-motor amnesia and learn to guide body movements consciously. When done correctly, we learn to detect feelings during movement to such a degree that it...
The center of body’s gravity shifts forward in the last months of pregnancy, causing an increased curve of the lower back (lumbar curve) and the pelvis to move forward. Furthermore, the tension in the back muscles increases...
When deciding to learn the AEQ Method, we need to be aware that it is long-term experiential learning designed to improve communication between our physical reality and the conscious. Today, fewer people know and use long-term...
Accepting/giving, opening/closing, expanding/shrinking are all words that can be compared to breathing – inhale/exhale. The purpose of breathing is to exchange gasses between air and blood in our lungs as efficiently as we can.
Despite man having the same basic body structure as other mammals, he is the only one that is perfectly balanced in an upright posture. The foundation for it is the increased role and strength of the buttock muscle. Upright posture...