Take responsibility and take care of your health!


We should never forget our own responsibility for our health. We should not allow ourselves to be victims of pain. Let's change our view of the world, that's the only way we'll be able to live a more beautiful and free life.

What is the AEQ method?

The meaning of AEQ: aequitas is the Latin concept of justice, equality, symmetry or honesty.

With the AEQ approach to chronic conditions, we learn the importance of proper movement. By consciously and regularly performing AEQ exercises, the habits which cause physical (and psychological) imbalance can be changed.

Through AEQ exercises, the AEQ method allows us to feel what we couldn’t feel before due to sensory-motor amnesia. We can increasingly use new ways of moving and behaving. Learning the AEQ method by simultaneously acting on the body and consciousness allows for a real change in the subconscious, if this process, which is anything but fast and easy, is prepared to be carried out in an appropriate way.

The first step towards change is self-awareness. We mostly operate as machines, self-sufficient, automatically programmed and under the tutelage of old habits that were developed from reactions on emotional events from the past. This affects our physical state - chronic pain, as well as our psychological state - depression, anxiety, anger, emotional instability.

By learning the AEQ method, we learn how to act consciously. We train our consciousness as an observer of our own thoughts, which allows our decisions and actions to execute in a way that support our goals and desires. If we wish to change ourselves holistically, the change must take place in our consciousness, body and subconscious. All three branches should be treated as equal.

The AEQ method thus teaches us self-awareness and control over movement, thoughts, and actions, restoring the ability to manage our muscles, body, will, and thoughts. It offers an original way to relax muscles, affecting stress relief.

It is extremely important to develop the ability to feel your own body. This can be improved and maintained with AEQ exercises®.





The AEQ method focuses on understanding the influences of physical laws of our body structure, our bodily functions, and the functioning of our mind on our behaviour and lifestyle. It allows for a better understanding of interdependence and the connection of the body, subconscious patterns and consciousness. This helps us better understand what prevents our state and well-being not being the way we would like it to be.


We cannot solve chronic issues without fixing our relationships first. AEQ relationships help us understand the meaning of emotional maturity and efficiency, as well as their role in understanding relationships within us, and with our surroundings. Higher emotional maturity helps us raise the possibility of making the right choices, take the right actions and achieve better results.


AEQ breathing improves the efficiency of our respiratory system and increases the possibility that we create the energy for action aerobically, thus obtaining higher values of vital energy quicker, and with it, us having a greater impact on our surroundings. It raises awareness of the role of time, and it’s influence on the effectiveness of our actions. Connecting breathing with time improves the abilities of our consciousness to accept the flow of time and the fact that there is a right time for each task. It also help us learn that knowing and relating to time and understanding the law of time is key to eliminating chronic conditions.


AEQ exercises are an important part of all three branches of the AEQ approach. Exercises lower chronic muscle contraction and fascia, thud lowering the body’s resistance and allow the subconscious to make the changes necessary for different behaviour and better relationships. This, in turn, helps us eliminate chronic conditions. Lower resistance allows for a clearer and faster communication from inside and outside of us, clearer self-perception, and more correct actions.

Allow us to give you back control into your own hands with the help of the AEQ method

With the AEQ method, we safely, gently, and reasonably eliminate the root causes of chronic pain. This is an learning process, through which we ‘’retrain’’ ourselves and consciously alter our behaviour, posture and movement. It is an active, not passive, method. It is a successful way of sensory-motor organic learning, which teaches us how to eliminate the root causes of most chronic pain in our muscles, freeing us of movement restrictions that plague our lives.

With the help of the AEQ method, you will be able to learn how to move correctly, and through AEQ exercises and explanations of these processes on which the approach is based on, change your habits and vices that cause the imbalances inside your body. Both AEQ exercises and well as the explanations, allow your brain to consciously redirect, gradually reshape through neuroplasticity and then control a new way of movement.

But how could it be otherwise, when nothing hurts anymore, when you wake up rested, feeling energetic, comfortable and pain-free in your body!

Joy is key to maintaining youthful and care-free behaviour, while a healthy body is the key to freedom!

What problems do you have?

Do your muscles ache due to a recent injury? Is there a source of pain inside your body for a longer period, and you’re of the opinion that this is the result of long sitting sessions, walking incorrectly, tensions in the workplace or at home? Perhaps you’ve been suffering from chronic pain for years now, which have been deemed as such by the medical profession and are now trying to relieve them with painkillers and physiotherapy, none of which are successful? Are you under constant stress, which is starting to show on your general well-being? Do you wake up with a dry throat in the morning?


The AEQ method understands and teaches that pain is just a piece of a wider puzzle that is the pattern of our dysfunction. These patterns reflect our usual responses to stress, which include muscle contraction.

Sensory-motor amnesia and the dysfunction that it causes, is manifested in four special holistic movement patterns, which we call the green light reflex (go forward), red light reflex (stop, go back), the trauma reflex (the result of injuries) and the freeze reflex (panic or life-threatening fear-paralysis).

How to insert AEQ into your life

Read the content on our website, where we systematically guide you by learning about the method, but above all, we offer you a different view of chronic pain and problems you’re facing daily.  


AEQ learning is best started by participating in 30-day AEQ learning programs. The program enables greater regularity and orderliness of learning the method, as the teaching is organized at the same time every day and is conducted live.


You can also learn the AEQ method individually. This approach is particularly suitable for more severe forms of chronic pain and conditions. You can learn from the author of the AEQ method or from teachers of the AEQ method at various levels.

Scheduling an appointment

The introductory conversation is appropriate for those that wish to find out how or if the AEQ approach can help with your problems. The conversation can take place in person in the Centre of the AEQ method in Brežice, or online through Zoom.

You will tell me more about your chronic conditions and problems, as well as the events that took place in your past, which most often create the basis for your chronic conditions in the present. Based on what you tell me, I’ll be able to give you an opinion and view from the perspective of the AEQ method about the reasons for your current situation. I will also help you determine the most appropriate path of learning the AEQ method to achieve the necessary change in understanding yourself and others.

I’ll explain the importance of changing the connection and perception of yourself and others, which must improve accordingly if we wish to learn, feel or change our behaviour. After the change, we can move onto improving our life and solving problems in which we have found ourselves in.

You can, however, schedule a consultation session, live or through Zoom, where we’ll be able to talk about the problem that caused you to come to me. Then we’ll be able to determine the most optimal course of action and way to fix the problem, the type of program with which you will start learning the AEQ method, and set dates for individual sessions, if it is necessary.

Knjige in priporočena literatura

V AEQ spletni knjigarni najdete knjige, ki nudijo znanje za boljše razumevanje vzrokov za kronično zakrčenost in bolečine povezane z njo. Izguba občutka zase je tesno povezana z travmami iz otroštva, ki povzročijo nastanek oklepa s katerim se želimo zaščititi pred silami iz okolja ali pa na ta način preprečimo čutenje sebe. Ob učenju metode AEQ vam izbrane knjige nudijo dodatno širino razumevanja, ki zmanjšuje strah ter povečuje sposobnost, da se celostno spremenite.

AEQ teachers

Future teachers of the AEQ method will gain an increasingly comprehensive and widely applicable perception of the way the AEQ approach functions and will be able to eliminate unnecessary muscular tension in the body. They will increasingly understand the differences between mind and bodyand the importance of improving mutual communication between them. 

Life events, especially those from our childhood, create a need for chronic tension, on which we become dependent and are thus enslaved by them. They limit our mobility, lower our efficiency and ability to feel ourselves.

The teacher’s main task is to guide a person towards achieving inner freedom. To achieve such a state, it is first necessary to eliminate the tension keeping the body trapped. The body is molded into a shape and separated, it’s functioning completely distorted. Without resolving these states, inner freedom is impossible, leading to an illusionary conviction that we’re thinking, feeling, and acting according to our will.

However, the teacher must first achieve a state of inner freedom. 

Customer reviews

Otherwise, I really admire you, how you figured it all out, connected it,… and I am grateful that life brought me to you.

I'm writing this because I haven't had any serious problems with my body. The only thing that was happening to me was pain in the buttocks, and even this was the result of an injury - slipping on muddy ground due to my dog's movement. I had pain in my...

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I believe that this exact knowledge is opening the doors for me into an easier and happier future.

Around 3 years ago, after many check-ups with no solutions for lessening my chronic pain, I decided to find the reasons for my pain by myself. First, I started reading books and looked for something that would resonate with how I felt. I just wanted some answers, and this is...

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My mind is clear, and I am physically and mentally more present and focused at every moment of the day

As a doctor who is also very physically active, I have always paid a lot of attention to injury prevention and stress management. A friend of mine recommended that I try to solve some physical problems with AEQ...

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My daughters scoliosis

In June 2016, we discovered that our then-11-year-old daughter had scoliosis. A visit to the doctor and an x-ray scan confirmed that it was a 22-degree shift. They immediately recommended a conservative treatment...

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I am so deeply grateful for committing to the AEQ method.

Through one’s awareness and receiving proper explanations one can go very deep into changing his patterns and habits. Aleš has a lot of knowledge and understands the connection between an individual’s situation and his somatic issues well. Highly recommended.

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I am more decisive and bold in my decisions. Instead of being scared and/or angry.

A high level of knowledge, an understandable and empathic leadership style, and a clear and logical explanation of conditions and situations are my first thought when asked about Mr. Aleš Ernst. The 30-day program of the AEQ method gave me a rich itinerary for every day from the first day...

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I think you have created a great deal of confidence in all of us

Even when I was reading your book, which was gifted to me for Christmas, I knew this was a very serious matter. However, with your introductory lecture my trust in you grew even more, which is reflected every day, especially during exercises. Your leadership is convincing, your answers mathematically accurate.

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I am now aware that the rigidity of my neck and vertigo are associated with the energy of unexpressed anger, which would otherwise leave a positive impact on my surroundings

At first, I noticed how free my rib cage became and the increased ability to express happiness, love, and anger. Now I am learning how to use my anger more effectively – not suppressing it but also not going completely mad because, during the program, I also allowed myself this...

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Croatian triathlon champion and fitness coach of the top athletes of the Turkish athletics team about his experience with Aleš

It was certainly neither intentional nor accidental that I finished the day with my athlete at a long-time friend's house. It was another one of those days of frustration and helplessness, and hopelessness, as it was during...

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After 30 days, I know the basics of each exercise enough that I can perform it a little differently each time

I maintained a daily routine of exercise, but only once a day. I think that it really helped that we worked together for 30 days, that it then became and remained a habit and it seems quite normal to me that I do the exercises for 20 minutes every morning.

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I don’t know how to release all the pent up anger, rage, and fear… emotions. I know, a cliché.

I am grateful to attend your guided exercise program thanks to my daughter Barbara. I realized that I urgently need them because I have problems that I don't know and I don't know how to solve, reduce or stop them. For some, I knew that they had their origin from...

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With a better understanding of myself, which I deepened during the program, I better understand why certain things represent greater limitations for me than others.

Raising emotional maturity is not an easy thing; there is no room for pretense. Aleš led the program professionally and creatively, with many additional explanations, which enabled the participants to understand our states and the feelings we experienced during the program. Sometimes the explanation was not pleasant to hear; it...

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The truth that Aleš gives is objective, supported by strong arguments, a lot of knowledge, and experience.

I haven't noticed any progress in terms of improving my condition (SMA) yet, because I couldn't do movement exercises regularly because of the pain (I was doing breathing protocols). Still, I began to notice more and more the increased emotional maturity regarding regulating my behavior in relationships with people. I...

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I realized how ineffective, silenced, and shallow my breath was to take a step out of my self-doubt, stand up for myself and gain basic respect for my surroundings, especially my home environment.

During the AEQ breathing program, for the first time, I consciously felt my diaphragm, how shallow my breathing was, and mainly, due to the tightness of the abdomen, only with the upper part of the lungs. During the day, I noticed that I was constantly tightening my stomach and abnormally...

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I am creating more and more order in my relationships, I am more aware, and I am able to realize faster what do I want and what I not want and how to achieve that.

The exercises have become a routine, they help me relax and find my zen. I wasn’t consistent enough with them at first, I didn’t give them enough attention and didn’t dive deep enough into understanding them. The program for the bottom part of the body helped me to put myself...

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AEQ in media


As an experienced cyclist and a long-time owner of a bicycle shop, I have often observed the consequences of the wrong approach to sports and the wrong motive for success in sports with my clients. Most of the time, the runner wanted to buy a bike to relieve the knees and tendons, as he was advised – a friend, an orthopedist, a physiotherapist.

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How to find out – with a quality connection within ourselves and accept feelings and insights even when they are inconsistent with our plans and desires.
To become better, we need to exit our comfort zone and go beyond our current abilities, but not always and not at any cost.

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With too many unwanted results, injuries, rapid mood swings, chronic fatigue, and an emotional inability to deal with disordered interpersonal relationships, we need to honestly ask and look for answers to why we exercise or train this way.

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