I now go on walks daily, and I walked 400m up a hill without rest and with far less fatigue

Home » 30-day program testimonials » I now go on walks daily, and I walked 400m up a hill without rest and with far less fatigue

By continuously performing the AEQ exercises, with short and precise instructions, and their descriptions, explanations and justifications, I was able to follow the exercises and improve in terms of correct execution.

I noticed changes in my body daily: immediately after the morning exercise as relief and relaxation of certain parts of the body, the pain in my joints was becoming less severe. Around 10am I felt fatigued so I took an hour long nap (I never took any naps before, I never even lay down to rest). After the evening exercise for the first 10 days, I went to sleep at the usual hour, somewhere between 10.30 and 11.30pm. However, when those 10 days have passed, I started going to sleep at 9.30 and 10pm.

Most nights are restless (I turn a lot, I stretch, murmur because something in my body is moving, something itches, hurts, pinches. I have restless legs, etc.)

I detect improvements in the following areas: my knee and back pain has decreased drastically. I no longer feel pain in the left hip and thigh muscles, which I suffered from for a few years. My walking improved and I regained some of my balance.

I now go on walks daily, and I walked 400m up a hill without rest and with far less fatigue (I used to take three short rests in order to normalize my breathing).

The 30 day program was led exceptionally and I am very grateful to you.


Kind regards,


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