The truth that Aleš gives is objective, supported by strong arguments, a lot of knowledge, and experience.

Home » 30-day program testimonials » The truth that Aleš gives is objective, supported by strong arguments, a lot of knowledge, and experience.

I enrolled into the 30-day program for improving emotional maturity for two reasons – due to the strong back and hip pain, and due to the strong desire for consciously improving myself. 14 days after the program ended, I already began to notice how conscious I was becoming of my inefficient behavior – especially in my relationships, which is what was causing me this pain in the first place – diagnosis: hernia and protrusion. I have begun noticing my condition/behavior before the program, but I still didn’t know how to change it, fix it or abandon certain behavior (or relationships) because the pain was ever-present and ever-growing.

I haven’t noticed any progress in terms of improving my condition (SMA) yet, because I couldn’t do movement exercises regularly because of the pain (I was doing breathing protocols). Still, I began to notice more and more the increased emotional maturity regarding regulating my behavior in relationships with people. I am more and more authentic, and I express what I feel at the given moment – in a mature way – and I no longer try to please others.

The exercises and breathing protocols, guidance, and above all, Aleš’s explanations during the program are superb, as they allow a person to look at himself from several perspectives. Aleš is a lexicon of knowledge, and his explanations, in most cases, get to the heart of the problem. The truth that Aleš gives is objective, supported by strong arguments, a lot of knowledge, and experience.

The program gave me a lot because now I have tools that help me eliminate SMA and the illusion, feel my body and emotions and allow me to express my truth more and more without worrying about what others think. Above all, the support during the program itself was essential for me because, in addition to managing the program, Aleš was also available via electronic messages. Many things were triggered for me during the process, and an additional explanation was desired. In my personal explanations, however, I lacked more compassion because it was not easy for me because of the pain, and sometimes encouragement or support would have given me a will to persevere even when it was really difficult. But later, with Aleš’s help, I realized that I was only looking for mercy and not sympathy; it was precisely the latter that Aleš gave me all the time through advice and answers to questions.

Despite the pain, I haven’t been looking for any other therapeutic help (physiotherapy, manual therapies, and massages) and have persevered with performing what exercises and breathing modules that I could. With this I was able to eliminate chronic tension in my muscles, alter my behavior and fix my relationships. And now, a month and a half after the end of the program, my pain is going away. My condition has greatly improved, I have much greater knowledge, awareness and behavior that originates from my strength, not my helplessness.

I would wholeheartedly recommend Aleš’s work to anyone who desires serious and deep work on themselves and doesn’t fear the changes that will soon follow. I will definitely be enrolling into future programs.

Thank you.

Urban Urbanc.

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