Lidija Jakljevič, Teacher of AEQ Method® Level 1

Home » AEQ teacher testimonials, Level 1 » Lidija Jakljevič, Teacher of AEQ Method® Level 1

Everyday hurrying, worries, and lots of work brought me into a situation where I lost connection with my body. I didn’t know that back then, but I had a feeling I wasn’t going in the right direction because the consequences started to reflect on my body. However, I managed to find excuses for everything and sweep it all aside. But then I felt at some point that I would not be able to go on like that, that the situation I was in was not normal and I needed to do something. And so my quest began. I came across informotherapy (communication with our cells in a language they understand) and it took over me when I saw the results on me.

I wanted to do that myself so I applied for the course and have become a certified informotherapist. I have always been interested in the causes of certain illnesses, and problems, which are just consequences; what are the causes? So my quest continued with the school of Karmic diagnostics.

Mr. Ogorevc told us about Mr. Aleš Ernst and his method at one of his lectures. We were told that the method was about tense, stiff muscles as consequences of various life events and that muscles in such conditions were the cause of many problems, which could be eliminated by lengthening/shortening muscles. I looked up Aleš’s articles on the Internet the very same day and booked an individual therapy.

That’s where new recognitions, and surprises started for me. I could not believe I wasn’t able to do a simple move – slowly lifting up an elbow … Each session was a new revelation and new exploration of self. I applied for the AEQ seminar Level 1 because I wanted to learn more; the seminar gave me even more new information, and revelations and I’m very grateful for that. I’m learning the depth of AEQ movements every day and all I can say is that AEQ has changed my life and become a part of me.

I’ve gained awareness that I’m the one who is responsible for my body, I’m the one who has control over it and I’m the one who can change it with my own consciousness. It’s not necessary to put in a lot of effort; learning, understanding, exploring, and hence improving are enough. All thanks to Aleš who is a treasury of AEQ logic, for all the knowledge he revealed, I’m glad I had an opportunity to learn about such an effective method.

Lidija Jakljevič, Metlika, teacher of the AEQ method® Level 1

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