Dragana Djuric, Podgorica, AEQ Method® Level 2 teacher

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AEQ Method® Level 2

The foundation of the AEQ method® is the fact that the body and mind are integrated as a whole. What happens in the mind reflects the events in the body and vice versa. Soma is an indivisible connection between two parts – body and mind.

At the end of the Level 2, I was hit by a realistic encounter with myself. Who I am, and not who I think I am, or who I would like to be. The influence of entropy on life as well as the entropy of the environment in which I live. Questions and concerns, but also the joy of knowing that the change is possible. And not only knowledge, or a letter on a paper, but also the way in which entropy is converted to syntropy.

At a time when everything is fast, when shifting own boundaries is encouraged and rewarded, it seems that man wanders more and more. Too much information, the Internet, no time to look into depths within ourselves or within another being. It takes time to understand and apply, achieve something.

AEQ Method® enabled me to see man as a whole more clearly. Different somas, different understandings.

Joy, fear, rage, anger, enthusiasm, pride, encouragement, tears, laughter, arrogance, competition or retreat. Everyone was carrying their burden, and there was no place to condemn and point a finger. Each of us had their reasons for being in the specific situation at that moment.

My gradual changes have gone in the direction of improving the quality of life, and hence the quality of work has improved. The focus was getting better, the wandering and frightful thoughts slowly changed. I’ve been present here and now more and more. Accordingly, I also had more energy that I used more rationally and focusing on priorities. There were less dissatisfaction and more joy.

Being a teacher today makes less sense. In my life, teachers and elementary education had a profound impact. My teacher was strict and fair, caring and critical when needed. She encouraged discipline and respect within the department. She said, then, to us little kids, that she wanted to guide us to become »human« one day. I still maintain and nurture my friendships from that time. Later in my life, through my education and work, I had trainers, lecturers, presenters, those who called themselves spiritual teachers.

The teacher is not a guru and does not require followers and worshipers. A teacher encourages development as well as the possibility for a person to use the capacities that will lead him to change for the better. I am grateful for the opportunity to have this kind of teacher standing by me during my development and at my work, as well as for the colleagues with whom I can exchange impressions and opinions.

It’s more productive to have several views on a subject, and hence fatal mistakes are brought down to a minimum when working with people.

Dragana Djuric, Podgorica, AEQ Method® Level 2 teacher

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