In the beginning, I pressed my heel and shoulders with all my strength and all possible muscles into the ground…

Home » 30-day program testimonials » In the beginning, I pressed my heel and shoulders with all my strength and all possible muscles into the ground…

Hello Aleš,

In the beginning, I pressed my heel and shoulders with all my strength and all possible muscles into the ground and lifted my pelvis high into the air like a good little girl. On the right side of the back muscles at the level of the shoulder blade, it cut me as if I had been stabbed with a knife. All the muscles on the body were activated; only then, with your warning, did I gradually relax the ones I didn’t need.

When I press my right shoulder into the ground, my arm muscles still participate in the movement.

Before activating my left side, I must remind myself to relax my right side because it activates on its own, especially my back and shoulder. I generally have more problems on the right side of my body; during breastfeeding, I had mastitis in the right breast, big toe, etc. I know it has to do with my father, who was and still is emotionally unavailable. I know the reasons, and, at least consciously, I try to stress myself as little as possible.

In the exercises that we have been doing for the last three days, however, I have great problems focusing on the muscles I need to activate and coordinating and lifting my head. My lower jaw and neck hurt so much that I relax all my muscles; I can’t relax just my neck. It works the first time, but I have to put my head down after a few seconds on the third try.

It was very easy for me yesterday when we activated the upper muscles, the back… In this case, the head almost rises by itself. I notice a really big difference. I have always kept my fingers from touching the floor with my knees outstretched.

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