I feel more peace inside me, I take more time for myself, I am people pleasing less.

Home » 30-day program testimonials » I feel more peace inside me, I take more time for myself, I am people pleasing less.

Hello Aleš.

I am doing the exercises regularly and I know that this time is meant just for me (at first, 30 minutes felt long – my old patterns turned on – but when I go into the exercise slowly it feels like they go by really quickly – feels like a new experience), to explore my depths. Because of this I execute the exercises differently because I know that I have enough time for all the details instead of just trying to satisfy my mind by doing them carelessly and getting low quality results. After doing the exercises, including the breathing exercises, that I’ve learned in the programs I feel better and better more and more often.

I noticed that it takes me 15 minutes to become more attentive and present and to be able to focus only on what I am doing in the moment, and then, if possible, I extend the exercise to 45 minutes or an hour and do them with proper calm. I’ve started doing the exercises that I don’t particularly like in this way as well, I take the time to explore them, to notice which part I am not doing well and then put even more attention into it – it may sound strange but this is how I understand it best from my experience. Currently, we are on holiday and I am noticing many lessons that I’ve learned from programs and exercises.

My actions are different, they are better and nicer. I feel more peace inside me, I take more time for myself, I am people pleasing less. I don’t terrorize myself or the people around me, I have a slower pace and control less. I am getting to know myself again with spontaneity and freedom that have been stolen from me in my childhood, I allow myself to feel them and experience them. Thank you.

Petra, Hrastnik

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