I am becoming a better person because of the AEQ method.

Home » 30-day program testimonials » I am becoming a better person because of the AEQ method.

Dear Aleš, your method has liberated me. My movement and my thinking have become easeful. My way of life has changed and improved. From being very hardened, sad, angry, scared and psychologically confused person I turned into a flexible, happy and open woman. I hold myself gently and talk to myself when needed. I don’t deny my feelings, I explore them instead. Sometimes the answer comes quickly and sometimes I have to be patient.

I breathe gently, I do the exercises and I make time for just myself. I forgive myself. I try to understand. I am so grateful that I am able to change myself, that I am able to feel my own body, listen to it and understand it. This is priceless. I always had order everywhere around me but never in myself. I am becoming a better person because of the AEQ method. And as you say, dear Aleš: “I feel, I understand, I change – because I am better at being aware of what I am doing.”

Thank you,


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