Kareem Al Saleh, Teacher of AEQ Method® Level 1

Home » AEQ teacher testimonials, Level 1 » Kareem Al Saleh, Teacher of AEQ Method® Level 1

Professional sports and the wrong approach to training led me to so many injuries and pain that it took me much longer to find the solution I needed for the growing chronic pain in my body, bad mood and fatigue. This path led me to Aleš, who had a different approach from everyone else. He was the first one who taught me that I am responsible for everything, and he showed me the way and gave me enough knowledge about how to pull myself out of chronic contraction and fatigue.

Aleš doesn’t solve symptoms – he solves the cause, and that is something I’ve always been interested about. After a few active therapies, I decided to enroll in the AEQ Teacher course because I wanted to know more. The final assessment of give and take has more than met my expectations. Pleasant surroundings, the gym, the energy, other participants and, of course, food (which we all couldn’t wait for during the break).

Aleš has a very good sense of complexity and quantity of given knowledge and gives you only as much as you are able to accept and understand.

Now that I have more knowledge about time, energy, attention, efficiency, AEQ exercises and other important but overlooked areas, I increasingly direct this knowledge into my growth and development (syntropy) in all areas of my life.

Thank you for the knowledge that leads to endless exploration.

Kareem Al Saleh, Ljubljana, Teacher of AEQ Method® Level 1

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