Petra Šmid Seljak, Teacher of AEQ Method® Level 1

Home » AEQ teacher testimonials, Level 1 » Petra Šmid Seljak, Teacher of AEQ Method® Level 1

A man is a complex being that demands a comprehensive therapeutic approach, which I am forming by using various methods and techniques. Only by following this principle, I am also able to reach the individual’s inner depth and not just his/her body.

Situations, stuff, information, people … usually find me themselves. Always at the right time. The same goes for the AEQ clinical somatics.

It was its simplicity, easiness, and the utmost effectiveness that persuaded me. It enables me to perform the movements consciously and with ease, my attention is focused on my body. Sensing the body during the exercises, and recognizing the muscles that elongate while others shorten opens a whole new area for identifying the behavioral patterns and sensing myself.

AEQ clinical somatics enables me to be present at the moment during exercise, focusing only on the movement. It is a way to experience the present moment. It is also an active meditation, which helps me determine the causes of the muscle knots and lack of flow in my body.

I highly recommend learning the AEQ somatic movements to everyone who is seeking a way out of the physical body pain entrapment and who wants to help as a teacher others along the way. The method promises and gives a transformation of an individual into a conscious being who makes his own paths in life, chooses the right decisions for himself, and solutions for improving the quality of life.

Thank you and compliments to Aleš for a professional, pleasant, and playful seminar.

Petra Šmid Seljak, Vrhnika,  teacher of the AEQ method® Level 1

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