The green light reflex is activated by the muscles of the back of the body that perform stretching.
The body takes over the posture of a soldier, ready for action and change. The back arches, the buttocks, hind thighs, and hips tense up, the shoulders pull back, the head raises. Common problems caused by the green light reflex are: sciatica, lower back pain, neck and shoulder pain, disc herniation and jaw pain, and tension headaches, to name just the most common.
A large number of decisions to make, an exaggerated feeling of responsibility, and racing thoughts are the typical characteristics of people who have an active green light reflex. They are usually in a hurry, working, and making decisions for other people, even when doing so isn’t required. If they have nothing to do, they develop a strong feeling of guilt. A subconscious and permanently active green light reflex forces them into constant action. As they grow older, they become more and more tired. Recurring tiredness is also a typical sign of the green light reflex. It is commonly misidentified as a lack of fitness and strength. They add exercise to an already stressful lifestyle, which completely messes up what they feel. They try to eliminate everyday stress due to work or family through sports and recreation. They walk fast, with short steps, leaning forward, with their hips pushed back, and their thoughts always somewhere else.
Below is an example of a strongly activated green light reflex. You can see how the person is leaning forward and, consequently, the strong tension of the back muscles, which is necessary to maintain an upright posture. A few years of such posture leads to lower back pain, wear and tear of the intervertebral discs, and hard movement.