Awareness of one’s body or contact with reality

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Our body allows us to feel and respond to our inner and outer worlds. By learning the AEQ method, we alter these relationships and attitudes, thus creating a stronger and clearer connection with the reality of the body.

Based on the reality of bodily sensations, our identity has substance and structure.

For each of us, the fundamental reality is our body. The loss of influence our bodily sensations have on the functioning of our mind, and balance changes our life and creates a chronic contraction and a malfunction in our sensory-motor amnesia feedback loop. A person in such a state is usually:

  1. Following unrealistic goals and clinging to an illusion,
  2. Not grounded in reality and has a strong feeling of powerlessness,
  3. Devoid of hope and faith.

Probably the best way to say it is that a person in touch with reality is grounded and has faith in himself, but such a state is extremely rare these days because modern life makes this connection impossible.

Reality is a word that has a different meaning depending on who you ask. Some see it as a necessity so that they can earn a living; some see it as the law of nature – the weak die while the strong survive – but some see it as life without the pressures of a competitive society.

Despite there being some truth in these points of view, the thing that interests us the most is the realities of the inner and outer worlds. When we say a person is out of touch with reality, we actually mean that they are out of touch with themselves.


For each of us, the fundamental reality is our body. Our body allows us to feel and respond to our inner and outer worlds. If a person isn’t in touch with their body, they are out of touch with reality. If the body is deadened, the impressions and responses of the person become diminished. The livelier the body is, the livelier the consciousness senses reality and responds to it more actively.

We have all experienced the fact that when we feel good and lively, we perceive the world better. Conversely, in a state of depression, we see the world as colorless.

By learning the AEQ method, we alter these relationships and attitudes, thus creating a stronger and clearer connection with the reality of the body. The degree of separation you feel while performing AEQ exercises shows how much self-awareness you lost as a person. An unavoidable reality of life is that a person is a body, and their body is the person. When the body dies, so does the person. But when the body becomes “dead,” meaning that it does not feel anything, then the person ceases to exist as a person with a personality. The body melts from love, freezes from fear, trembles in anger, and longs for warmth and contact.

Without sensations from the body, these words sound empty. If the body experiences them and the consciousness feels them, then they have a basis for reality, giving their existence meaning. In therapies, I regularly see customers struggling with naming or explaining the feelings they began sensing due to their distorted or underdeveloped inner connection.

Based on the reality of bodily sensations, our identity has substance and structure. In today’s reality, however, identity is increasingly a thing of the past, a skeleton without flesh.

In individual learning or in programs, I often notice that a person who is out of touch with his body does not know what I am talking about when I explain the influence of feelings on the functioning of the mind. Sometimes he even asks, “What does my body have to do with my well-being?”

This question is, of course, meaningless because what a person feels is the body. Apart from the sensation of the body coming from the body, there is no other sensation in us. In order for a person to ask such a question, he must be convinced that the body is only a mechanism that sustains life but does not affect it.


To eliminate unexplained pain or illness, a person must gain insight into his subconscious mental process and understand the existence and influence sensory-motor amnesia has – if they wish to understand their behavior and movement.

However, how can he develop the necessary understanding if he ignores the basic reality of his being, i.e., his body in the form of feelings?

We know this instinctively; we knew it as children. Through the development of technology and the increase in the speed of life, we have not seen the obvious in front of us. We have developed this blindness from a belief that taught us to believe that a person is identified with the mind and not the body. We were convinced that we should not trust our senses, as they give the mind subjective information.

However, if a person does not trust their senses, then they cannot have confidence in bodily perception and bodily responses. And logically, they cannot be sure of reality and lives in an illusion.

Resistance to showing the body as the essence of a person is deeply embedded in most people. When, during programs, I sometimes, in response to a question, describe the character of someone I see for the first time and, through the shape of their body, movement, and voice, I connect the consequences of their participation in the program with the causes that originate from childhood, I often see the disbelief and resistance of the ego, which otherwise knows that what he hears is true, but he cannot understand and accept that it is possible.

Because there is no objective way to describe or understand this. Even though there is nothing supernatural or mystic about it. Quite the opposite. Pure natural reality and a deep enough understanding of the laws of physics and a connection to the subjective senses.


This isn’t a resistance you can just defeat and eliminate because most people aren’t ready to give up their illusion that the mind, with enough information, is omnipotent. All-powerful.

And that is the purpose of the AEQ method. To give us the option to understand. What all those with chronic pain and problems have in common is a lack of understanding. It begins with a lack of understanding in childhood, where the child develops an understanding and sense of self to the degree that he is understood and thus accepted by his parents. They can understand the child to the degree to which they understand and feel themselves.

How a person holds themselves, talks, walks, and expresses their emotions all tell who they are.

This separation from reality is most often the cause of an unrealistic attitude towards the achievements that the athlete has achieved through his work. Due to the loss of contact with the body and reality, the effort invested in the preparations and the competition itself is excessive, and then the emotional reaction is also excessive if we are not lucky enough to achieve what we want. The movement necessary to achieve a result always comes from the body, which cannot reach the unrealistic expectations of consciousness. That is why he is also very disappointed if the desired result is not achieved, and he perceives that his body has betrayed him – and betrayal always hurts a lot.

The problem stems from the simple rule that actions define results and not the desires or needs of the mind. And actions are always performed by the body, thus defining the result, which is not necessarily what we want if there is no suitable connection between them. The frequent achievement of unwanted results and the strong disappointment we feel simultaneously indicate an unconscious separation between the body and the mind. And to eliminate these conditions, it is logically necessary to reduce this separation.

This way, by changing the understanding of the causes of unwanted results, we focus our efforts on overcoming the separation within ourselves and not on overcoming ourselves. He who defeats himself too often will sooner or later be brought to his knees.

This is definitely not a winning attitude.

Therefore, when learning the AEQ method, the greatest emphasis is on gaining a deeper understanding of oneself through theory and feeling and perceiving the real state of oneself through AEQ exercises. All this is then developed and connected only through the exercises and principles of AEQ breathing, which enables the integration of mind, body, and energy into a balanced whole, which can and knows how to combine natural and human laws into syntropy, into the inner order of life.

A person who is not grounded lacks hope and faith and pursues or chases unrealistic goals. On the other hand, a person who is grounded has faith and hope and is in touch with reality.

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