I recommend this program to everyone who wants to learn about the causes of the inability of the human body to function properly

Home » 30-day program testimonials » I recommend this program to everyone who wants to learn about the causes of the inability of the human body to function properly

So far, the 30 day workshop is the best way to learn AEQ exercises. With a great and accurate explanation for a better understanding of the causes of body stiffness, the exercises gain more depth. My understanding is improving daily, which allows my body to move more easily.

Since the program lasts 30 days, during this time it is possible to regulate not only the attitude towards the body but also the attitude towards your surroundings. Efficiency manifests in the reduction of energy consumption for the same or better executed work. During the program, we update the body to the living conditions in the present, by understanding past experiences.

On the program, I initially increased, then decreased and finally eliminated the recurring buttock and thigh pain (sciatica). I recommend this program to everyone who wants to learn about the causes of the inability of the human body to function properly, which in the long run led to chronic inflammation and chronic pain. It is good to realize that we will not achieve the desired changes quickly; we can quickly make the situation worse.


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