With you guidance, I was able to focus purely on your explanation.

Home » 30-day program testimonials » With you guidance, I was able to focus purely on your explanation.

Hello Aleš.

I decided to enroll in the 30-day program because I believed that this approach will help motivate me in performing AEQ exercises more regularly. When I performed them on my own, I spent most of my time just reading. And then, I tried to perform the exercise. When reading, I tried to memorize as much as possible, so that I can then perform the exercise without stopping, which distracted me from sensing my body. I wanted to memorize it all so that I wouldn’t have to read anymore. By doing so, I was skipping important steps and lost the will to do exercises.

With you guidance, I was able to focus purely on your explanation. I go with the flow of the exercise and pay attention to my body and feelings. During the exercises, you warned me about unnecessary muscle contraction, encouraged exploring different approach by asking interesting questions, approaches that led to discovery of easier exercise execution. Twenty minutes is just enough to get information from the exercise that I can process during the day and maybe even use it in everyday tasks. Your answers to the questions after the end of the exercise shed additional light on the observations that I feel myself or other participants in the program and indicate the causes that led to pain or difficulty in performing the exercise (leg or head lifting).

In the first week of the program, I realized that guided sessions are much more efficient than doing things solo. I learned that I have plenty of body parts that I cannot feel correctly and am unable to connect. That I shouldn’t ask you questions prior to the exercises, because I have difficulties relaxing afterwards. That I contract the right side of my neck, regardless of what I am moving or contracting… pelvis, heel, shoulders… and that I don’t know how to (can’t) relax my neck. I also felt the way my forehead is pressing on my eyebrows. And that I have no problems taking 20 minutes twice out of my day to perform exercises.


Kind regards,


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