Dajana Frank, Teacher of AEQ Method® Level 1

Home » AEQ teacher testimonials, Level 1 » Dajana Frank, Teacher of AEQ Method® Level 1

I’ve been noticing for several years now that my body is not functioning the way it should. And despite the brief effects of various therapies the entropy takes its toll. I sense a mess in my body and it takes me more and more time to do the work at my job and at home. I heard an explanation of entropy and other topics at the seminar and that’s given me a new, different insight into the human body and a wide variety of options on how to help myself as well as others.

The educational process of this seminar has a very good structure. The first part is a combination of AEQ theory with AEQ movements– a great experience to be able to feel parts of your body again that you had already forgotten about. The way the seminar was conducted was also very different from what I’ve experienced so far.

In the second part of the seminar we were learning how to conduct a session of AEQ movements independently, we were observing others and commenting on mistakes or weaknesses in our teaching skills, however, our teacher gave the final grade of our skills.

I felt much better even after the first 3-day session, my lower back was relaxed and the pain that spread into my legs was significantly weaker. And the activity was not limited only to the physical level; the restlessness was present even during my sleep. This confirms what we’ve also learned in other seminars – tense muscles are strongly connected with the psyche, and vice versa.

My clients accepted the AEQ movements very well, I teach them in the individual therapies as well as in group sessions.

I’m really grateful I was able to be a part of the first group of students. I am taking every advantage of my newly gained knowledge.
I am very pleased with the seminar and I strongly recommend it.

Dajana Frank, teacher of the AEQ method® Level 1

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