Home » Avtoimmune diseases » LEFT, RIGHT OR EMERGENCY LANE?

When deciding to learn the AEQ Method, we need to be aware that it is long-term experiential learning designed to improve communication between our physical reality and the conscious. Today, fewer people know and use long-term experience-based learning, mainly because they do not have the time. Anyone who wants to overcome physical or character limitations by learning the AEQ method has lived for a long time or is living in a lack of time. Such a way of living wasn’t a rule in the past, but today, haste and egocentrism in a natural environment are quickly punished. But this does not mean that we have also structurally and functionally adapted to the changing way of life on a physical level.

The body warns us of this diversity and the body’s inconsistency for a long-lasting (if not permanent) haste with unpleasant feelings, pains, and diseases. Soon or later, it forces us to withdraw from the fast lane to the parking lane on the highway of life. We hope someone will help us back. However, the environment’s help is limited. It cannot penetrate our depth, where the described systemic errors in communication and the relationship between the physical and the conscious are located. The only one able to change these depths is our mind since it has a deep enough feeling and influence on our body’s workings. But only if one is aware and understands these connections, and at the same time, uses the appropriate tools to eliminate chronicle body rigidity, which distorts our awareness so that we can stay on the fast lane for longer, despite not belonging there. That’s why getting back onto the fast lane is more difficult and short-lived, no matter what the ego wants and demands.

The AEQ method and AEQ exercises provide a gradual understanding of these relationships and a more realistic sense of the speed at which we move through life. We understand why it is not good to force the body excessively if it is not necessary for survival through exercise. We are aware of how important it is to realistically feel the body and our surroundings for our consciousness to operate well enough. We are aware of how important it is to realistically feel the body and our surroundings so that our consciousness works well enough. And for that, we need time and to get off the fast lane of life onto the slower lane since experiential learning is impossible in a state of “I don’t have the time” because it demands the appropriate amount of time, attention, and regularity.

As beings with free will, we almost always have the choice to slow down, fix ourselves up, and raise our “soma” through better cooperation, understanding, and respect between the body and consciousness. And with that, guarantee a longer drive on the highway of life. If necessary and with a feeling (which can only originate from the body) to change lanes, prevent involuntary landing on the parking lane, which means injuries, illnesses, depression. But we can also continue going pedal to the floor and trying to keep up with speed configured to computers – machines without feelings, pain, and emotions, and not to the human body that feels joyful and suffers.

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