The body and the subconscious

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The body and subconscious have the task of chronically maintaining a state of apparent homeostasis (a process that allows the physiological processes and bodily structure of the organism to not change significantly despite major changes in the environment). Especially because, as children, we had to adjust to the homeostasis of the family, even though it was only an illusion due to SMA in both parents, which perceived reality through the distortion provided by SMA and subconsciously followed tradition, despite their consciousness allowing them to make changes that were bigger and faster than ever before in human history. Chronic pain and illness are, therefore, the result of the inability of consciousness to influence and change the body and subconscious when the body and subconscious do not allow the real proper stability of homeostasis and, with SMA, allow an apparent balance. Physically, chronic conditions clearly show that something has not been as it should be for a long time.

Learning the AEQ method by simultaneously acting on the body and consciousness allows for a real change in the subconscious if the person is prepared to do this process properly, which is anything but easy and fast. This change affects the shape of the spiral and enables change in how you function, which is a condition for a different state (The definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results; A. Einstein). This is usually where resistance from the subconscious appears, and it tries to prevent change. In contrast with the subconscious, the conscious easily and constantly changes and molds itself into something new. The contrast in the same system is necessary to increase the system’s efficiency, but only if there are enough connections and mutual dialogue between them, which promotes the orderliness and efficiency of both sides of the contrast.

Learning the AEQ method with a level 4 or 5 teacher allows for a change in structure and function, first in the conscious, then the subconscious, and finally the body following the brain. However, it is precisely through pain and chronic problems that force the head to change something. When decreasing SMA, this change is better in the long term, even though we feel it as worse and unpleasant in the short term.

We can therefore conclude that in unwanted chronic conditions, there is a state of patterns and conditional responses in the subconscious mind, which acts on the imbalance in such a way that the acute condition (an acute condition develops quickly, passes quickly, and can also disappear quickly because the system takes action in a way that changes the need to restore balance) does not fix it and thus gradually turns it into a chronic one. This is only possible when the acute imbalance in the body doesn’t properly influence the consciousness (due to it being separated from the body by SMA and SMO in the subconscious) for us to realize what disturbs, hinders, endangers or limits us so that we can take our time and recognize our need and invest the effort required to change our consciousness and subsequently subconsciousness. That way, we can gradually change the subconscious functions and patterns that keep us in unwanted chronic conditions.

Aleš Ernst, author of the AEQ method and author of AEQ breathing

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