The subconscious and the automated responses stored in it can only be changed through behavior.

We connect our sensations with our consciousness, relax our body and connect it with our raw emotions and responses through the AEQ exercises. The body begins to change, your consciousness now plays a larger part, we better recognize when we’re functioning on subconscious (past) patterns, which gives us the knowledge to understand what needs to be done when we find ourselves in a similar situation in real life. Control over muscles and emotions is improved because our reaction is more realistic.

Continue ReadingThe subconscious and the automated responses stored in it can only be changed through behavior.


AEQ method is an innovative approach that my wonderful teacher Aleš Ernst whom I've been seeing and learning from for the last 3 years invented. It looks like a crossover between yin yoga and tai chi but the way how it feels it is much more advanced and revolutionary than that. It includes AEQ breathing, a specific type of breathwork, specific muscle movements, breakthroughs of releasing heavy emotional trauma, releasing of chronic physical pain, and it gives you more body awareness and self-control.


Feedback on the effect of participating in a 30-day program to eliminate burnout and chronic fatigue

In the first two weeks of participating in the AEQ program, I felt a strong resistance in my subconscious while performing exercises. It appeared in a constant hunger for air (yawning) and extreme fatigue, making it difficult to remain focused and pay attention to your explanations. When performing respiratory exercises, I had restless legs and sometimes even hands, which once again resulted in a lack of attention. However, this unrest completely disappeared after the programs conclusion.

Continue ReadingFeedback on the effect of participating in a 30-day program to eliminate burnout and chronic fatigue

Then you realize even more clearly that absolutely all choices in life are conditioned by our subconscious. Choosing a place to live, a job, a profession, a partner…

After the recently completed 30-day program, the door to an updated way of perceiving myself and the environment began to open for me. Of course, changing the perception of oneself is a lifelong process, but the AEQ method represents an important point in this process for me.What have I observed so far? One of the things is that every ‘’Why’’ has its own ‘’because.’’ And I mean every ‘’why’’ even those that I never even thought of before. It’s easier to say that ‘’it is just the way it is’’ than to take responsibility for the condition you found yourself in.

Continue ReadingThen you realize even more clearly that absolutely all choices in life are conditioned by our subconscious. Choosing a place to live, a job, a profession, a partner…

I realized that leading with a teacher is much more effective than if I doing it alone. That I have many parts of my body that I can’t feel or connect.

I decided on the 30-day exercise management program because I thought that this way, I would be able to exercise more regularly and with greater presence. When I was doing the exercises myself, I spent quite a bit of time reading. Then I tried to do it. When reading, I tried to remember as many things as possible so that I could use them during the exercise, which distracted me from my feelings. I wanted to memorize the exercise in its entirety as soon as possible so that I wouldn't need to read it again.

Continue ReadingI realized that leading with a teacher is much more effective than if I doing it alone. That I have many parts of my body that I can’t feel or connect.