Aleš Ernst

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My name is Aleš Ernst, and I am the author of the AEQ method. I am a teacher of the AEQ method Level 5. If you wish to learn more about me, please click the link provided:


If you decide to decrease the amount of chronic pain with the help of a Level 5 teacher, the most efficient combination will be participating in online programs that I conduct over Zoom and individual sessions that take place in the center of the AEQ method in Brežice, Slovenia.

First, the learning takes place through the programs that I lead, where you learn more and more about the background of chronic pain and learn to invest time and attention in yourself in the way that I teach in said programs. This way, you understand more and more why you have chronic problems and what needs to be changed to eliminate them. In the program, you also learn the correct understanding of the meaning and purpose of the AEQ exercises. With live guidance, you receive enough support and explanation so that you do not give up when you feel familiar and unwanted feelings from the past but can instead go a level deeper into yourself and into the history of suppression and blockage is the main reason the body communicates with you through chronic pain.

When you discover topics or relationships that you cannot process on your own, we can set a time and date for an individual therapy session with me or one of my students. I will decide this based on what I saw in the program, and your experiences and feelings gained there.

Such an approach allows for a gradual introduction and, at the same time, a better understanding of the principles necessary to reduce the causes of chronic conditions. You will practice regularity and neatness, which are necessary for successfully executing the exercises. This is especially important for optimal use of your daily time and proper orientation to your inner being. My work and teachings are mainly aimed at raising the client’s emotional maturity and efficiency, which enables him to eliminate helplessness in certain areas of life.

Explanations and answers to questions that will arise during the program’s implementation will give you insight into the reasons for chronic pain. Learning is all the more effective if this happens in the privacy of one’s own home.

I recommend at least one visit to a program before coming to an individual session!


The online programs that I lead can be found here


Regular participation in at least one of my 30-day programs is the prerequisite for an individual session, because it shows your determination and seriousness on walking the path of change. The path is everything but easy, but only you can affect the chronic conditions that hinder you.

Individual learning, through Zoom, allows the client to recognize and understand the physical condition. It can always better determine whether a bodily response is necessary and appropriate at a given moment or whether an old pattern is inappropriate and even harmful in the present. Individual learning enables a stronger sense of change. This makes him more aware of how powerful the influence of consciousness is on our well-being and our ability to change seemingly unchangeable habits. At the same time, he realizes the even greater power of the subconscious and the autonomic nervous system to maintain a certain state and behavior, even though it is now very harmful and inappropriate for us.

In this way, the client can feel and understand the causes and consequences of being in the current state. He learns to change the circumstances in which he finds himself and thereby gives himself the possibility of a different result and a different feeling, even though he has had a certain problem for many years. If the cause of the problem in the current circumstances is incorrect muscle tension, it can be changed to correct tension more quickly through active learning, especially since we perceive more clearly and understandably that something that has been normal until now is unnecessary and the reason for chronic conditions.

With this, the connection of the mind, body and ground is greatly increased due to emotional maturity and ability to live a different present regardless of the past, thus shaping a better future. All customers who come for an active sessions are displeased with their current way of living, and fear for their future if something doesn’t change. Active learning the AEQ method enables a rational and body-coordinated change in behavior and thus a change in actions that determine and enable change, increasing the probability of achieving what is desired.