Home » Author of the method » Aleš Ernst
Aleš Ernst

What lead me to developing the AEQ method?

Despite having plenty of work to do due to the business I owned, I actively cycled, ran, swam, and lifted weights in my spare time. Today, I understand that I was forced to do this by the hatred that I developed in myself due to my helplessness in childhood. This helplessness persisted into adulthood and I was able to overcome it only by using the AEQ method.

The hatred I held was a strong enough source of energy for me to use to build a successful store from scratch and train way too much while working. Over time, pain developed in my left hip and gradually became excruciating. It caused me to stop cycling, so I switched to lifting special weights called kettlebells.

I gained the appropriate certificates and started teaching my clients about proper exercise execution and moving under pressure. That’s when I began noticing how lacking my own mobility was. The hip pain, which temporarily went away after I switched sports, came back. That’s why I sought medical help, but neither the explanation of the causes of the excruciating pain nor the offered solutions convinced me.

Physical therapy, muscle strengthening, working with elastic, massages, chiropractics and hours of meditations had no significant impact. I simply had to come to terms with the pain as a constant in my life, but I never quite did.



Up to the year 2011, I studied plenty of literature about the body, ways to improve its functioning and eliminate problems and imbalances in it. That’s when I stumbled upon the explanation of how the body and mind work from the perspective of Clinical somatics by Thomas Hanna, which I began learning under Martha Peterson. I completed my education while expanding my knowledge under experts from related fields. I observed the shortcomings of clinical somatics and, with the help of my partner Vesna, developed my own method – the AEQ method. With the development of the AEQ approach, Vesna and I developed the AEQ breathing and AEQ relationships branches and attached them to the main one.  I helped thousands of clients and further expanded and deepened the AEQ method. The training of new AEQ teachers and their influence and understanding of how the AEQ approach works also helped me a lot.


Author of the AEQ method

Author of AEQ breathing

Author of AEQ relationships

Author of the book ”AEQ somatics”

Author of the book ”Pot iz kroničnih bolečin”

Somatic Exercise Coach

Oxygen Advantage Instructor

Through a higher awareness of the body, we feel more and thus satisfy our needs more correctly. Knowing how to understand the discomfort when we feel it in increasing contact with ourselves allows us not to be afraid of our own reality, stored in the body and subconscious.

I developed a system of learning to
eliminate chronic conditions

I developed a system of learning to eliminate chronic conditions

The AEQ somatics manual

The approach I teach in this book is meant for independent learning. The reader can use the theory and exercises provided to reach new conclusions and improve many aspects of their life without assistance from a teacher. 

The reader will gain insight into different mechanisms of functioning and thus better understand and feel the separation within them or with their surroundings. I want this book to help the reader understand their own sensory-motor amnesia.

Individual sessions of the AEQ method

Individual sessions act as an introductory conversation, determining the most likely cause of your chronic condition and the most appropriate way of using the AEQ approach for its treatment. They are also intended to deepen the client’s consideration and understanding of the states the client feels and learns about in my online programs or when working with other AEQ teachers. The greatest effect of the AEQ approach is achieved when we combine online programs, occasional individual sessions, and independently work on increasing the effectiveness of using emotions.

30-day online programs

This type of learning the AEQ approach is the most appropriate way to decrease the alienation between our consciousness and our body, and increase our levels of emotional maturity. The AEQ exercises are conducted live and can be performed in the comfort of your own home. The exercises are performed six times a week and for a good hour. You will do a lot of good for your holistic transformation and the development of higher efficiency in solving problems that create chronic conditions.

Online lectures

I sometimes create an online event where I dissect a topic, different areas of physical conditions, behaviors, relationships, and chronic problems that arise in them and are not understood enough to be able to determine a more appropriate and effective way of conscious change that will gradually lead to improvement of chronic conditions. I do not lead exercises in these AEQ lectures.

30-day online programs

This type of learning the AEQ approach is the most appropriate way to decrease the alienation between our consciousness and our body, and increase our levels of emotional maturity. The AEQ exercises are conducted live and can be performed in the comfort of your own home. The exercises are performed six times a week and for a good hour. You will do a lot of good for your holistic transformation and the development of higher efficiency in solving problems that create chronic conditions.

Individual sessions of the AEQ method

Individual sessions act as an introductory conversation, determining the most likely cause of your chronic condition and the most appropriate way of using the AEQ approach for its treatment. They are also intended to deepen the client’s consideration and understanding of the states the client feels and learns about in my online programs or when working with other AEQ teachers. The greatest effect of the AEQ approach is achieved when we combine online programs, occasional individual sessions, and independently work on increasing the effectiveness of using emotions.

Online lectures

I sometimes create an online event where I dissect a topic, different areas of physical conditions, behaviors, relationships, and chronic problems that arise in them and are not understood enough to be able to determine a more appropriate and effective way of conscious change that will gradually lead to improvement of chronic conditions. I do not lead exercises in these AEQ lectures.

I developed a system of training AEQ teachers

Future teachers of the AEQ method will gain an increasingly comprehensive and widely applicable perception of the way the AEQ approach functions and will be able to eliminate unnecessary muscular tension in the body. They will increasingly understand the differences between mind and bodyand the importance of improving mutual communication between them. 

Life events, especially those from our childhood, create a need for chronic tension, on which we become dependent and are thus enslaved by them. They limit our mobility, lower our efficiency and ability to feel ourselves.

The teacher’s main task is to guide a person towards achieving inner freedom. To achieve such a state, it is first necessary to eliminate the tension keeping the body trapped. The body is molded into a shape and separated, it’s functioning completely distorted. Without resolving these states, inner freedom is impossible, leading to an illusionary conviction that we’re thinking, feeling, and acting according to our will.

However, the teacher must first achieve a state of inner freedom. 

Finally, I would like to mention the authors whose work enabled us to develop gradually and at the same time, enabled AEQ to be at the level it is at the moment:

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Aleš Ernst, clinical somatics, and differentiation s.p.
Ulica bratov Gerjevič 1A,
8250 Brežice


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