Home » AEQ method » Code of ethics

The AEQ® method

Article 1

Ethics is a philosophical discipline that deals with criteria of human desire and conduct in relation to good and evil.

The Code of Ethics is a record of the principles and rules governing AEQ method® teachers in performing their work.

The principles and rules of this Code should be in the consciousness and belief of each AEQ method teacher. Teachers of the AEQ method® should know they work for the benefit of the clients who need to be respected and behave honestly, honestly and impartially. Teachers are working to preserve and protect fundamental human rights.

Article 2

Teachers of the AEQ method® are guaranteed the right to work independently, unhindered professional development and training according to their personal abilities and plans.


Article 3

The Code of ethics must be respected by all teachers of the AEQ method® who perform their work in the EU. If the teachers conduct their work abroad, they are also obliged to respect this Code. The foreign AEQ method® teacher is also obliged to respect the principles and rules of this Code.


Article 4

Teachers of the AEQ method® respect the rights of their clients and do their utmost to perform their work professionally and correctly

Teachers of the AEQ method® provide clients with professional assistance without discrimination based on nationality, race, gender, language, religion, political or other belief, financial status, age, education, social status, disability, health status, sexual orientation or any other personal circumstance.

Article 5

Teachers of the AEQ method® are obliged to explain in advance to the clients the method of work or the implementation of the method, the scope of work or the estimated duration of the method, the obligation to protect confidential information, the financial conditions for conducting work (amount of payment, method of payment, etc.) and other circumstances, the teachers assess that would be helpful if the clients were informed in advance.

Teachers of the AEQ method® should explain to the clients that life decisions are taken by the parties themselves; teachers are only the ones to help a client reach a decision as well as to understand the consequences of the decisions.

Article 6

Teachers of the AEQ method® must organize the practice of the method or the work process in such a way as to avoid neglecting the client.

Article 7

Teachers of the AEQ method® must obtain a written consent from a client before making sound or video recording.

Article 8

Teachers of the AEQ method® maintain a relationship with the client only for as long as, according to their careful judgment, the client has benefited from this relationship. Teachers of the AEQ method® terminate the relationship or practice of the method immediately, if the client so requests.

Teachers of the AEQ method® assist the client in finding other suitable help if the teacher is unable or unwilling to offer professional help for justified reasons.

Article 9

Teachers of the AEQ method® avoid exploitation of client confidence and their dependence. Teachers should be particularly careful when certain circumstances could affect the professionalism of decisions or increase the risk of exploitation.

To avoid exploiting clients’ trust and dependence, sexual intimacy with clients is prohibited.

Sexual intimacy with former clients is also prohibited, for at least one year after the end of practicing the method. If a teacher of the AEQ method® establishes a sexual intimate relationship with a former client after one year, the teacher must prove that the sexual intimate relationship with the former client does not mean the exploitation or causing damage to the former client or to his immediate family.

Any harassment is unethical.

Harassment is any unwanted behavior associated with any personal circumstance (nationality, race, gender, language, religion, political or other belief, wealth, education, social status, age, disability, health status, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, physical appearance, etc.), with the effect or intent of affecting the dignity of a person or creating a scary, hostile, humiliating, embarrassing or offensive environment.


Article 10

Teachers of the AEQ method® respect and protect confidentiality of all data they have gained in conducting their work.

Teachers of the AEQ method® must inform their clients of the principle of confidentiality and explain to them the possible restrictions on their right to confidentiality (disclosure of confidential information under the law).

Article 11

Confidential data can be disclosed by the teachers of the AEQ method® to others only with the written consent of the client, or if required by law.

Teachers of the AEQ method® who use the data they have acquired during their work, in writing or orally, at their lectures or other public presentations, must first obtain a written consent from the client, or must hide in an appropriate manner any information that could reveal the client’s identity.

Teachers of the AEQ method® must do the same at consultations with their colleagues or other experts. Information may only be forwarded to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of the consultation.

Article 12

Teachers of the AEQ method® protect client data while storing, disposing, and destroying their data.


Article 13

Teachers of the AEQ method® are maintaining high standards of professional competence and integrity regularly.

For this purpose, the teachers must constantly follow the development of science and profession, and educate and train.

They must comply with applicable legislation, code of ethics and professional standards at their work. Also, in the event of difficulties that could affect work efficiency, they should provide an appropriate expert assistance.

Article 14

Teachers of the AEQ method® do not give or receive unusual gifts from clients, gifts of higher value, or gifts that could affect the integrity or performance of teachers and their attitude towards the client.

Teachers of the AEQ method® do not offer or accept bribes or other payments for client referrals elsewhere, but in this case, they may agree with the client to pay for arranging the service.

Article 15

Teachers of the AEQ method® perform the method only to the extent or only the method of the degree for which they are trained. They avoid performing activities that could impair integrity or performance, or damage or reduce the rights of the clients.

Article 16

Teachers of the AEQ method® must not exploit and harass students and other teachers.

Article 17

Teachers of the AEQ method® must, in any public announcement (in written or oral form) of the advice, recommendations, or findings, ensure that the message of the announcement is not distorted or misused.


Article 18

Teachers of the AEQ method® should strengthen collegiality and professional solidarity in mutual relations. Teachers should help each other, exchange opinions and information on professional issues, cooperate, respect and trust each other.

Teacher must not impede other teachers in conducting their work.

Article 19

Representative, or the founder of the AEQ method® encourages other teachers of the AEQ method to work efficiently and in a quality way, mutual respect, cooperation, and respect for others and a proper attitude towards others.


Article 20

Teachers of the AEQ method® are involved in appropriate information activities that enable the public to become acquainted with the practice of the AEQ method®.

Teachers of the AEQ method® ensure with various means of communication (business cards, internet, newspaper, radio, television) that the public is acquainted with the information under which an individual can opt for the AEQ method® service. 

Teachers of the AEQ method® must correctly present the acquired certificate or license for practicing the AEQ method®, their competencies, training and experience, and other information relevant for carrying out the AEQ method®.

Teachers of the AEQ method® should not present themselves with false or misleading information. Also, they should not change the logo and present themselves as founders of the AEQ method.


Article 21

Teachers of the AEQ method® must always act for the welfare of the client. In public speaking, the teachers must also express their views for the benefit of their clients in accordance with the applicable regulations, the Code of Ethics and professional standards. If a teacher expresses a personal opinion, this must be known. In any case, the teachers need to take care of their own reputation and reputation for all teachers of the AEQ method®.


Article 22

The Code of Ethics is published on the website of the founder of the AEQ method®. Also, every teacher of the AEQ method® receives it along with certificate or license.


Article 23

The founder of the AEQ method® ensures the implementation and compliance with the Code of Ethics, provides an interpretation of the individual provisions of the Code, and addresses violations of the provisions of the Code. In the event of serious violations of the provisions of the Code of Ethics, the founder of the AEQ method® may withdraw the certificate and / or the license of the teacher of the AEQ method®.

Article 24

Teachers of the AEQ method® should, in the interest of successful practice of the AEQ method®, ensure that all teachers comply with these principles and rules.


Article 25

The term of this Code of Ethics becomes effective on the date of its adoption.

AEQ method is a registered trademark in the Slovenia.

Brežice, 23. 2. 2018

Aleš Ernst, author of the AEQ method and AEQ breathing

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