Q&A – The influence of our surroundings on our body shape (English subs)

https://youtu.be/P2luEVWuAoEImage by Freepik: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/young-woman-haviing-abdominal-pain-because-menstruation-lying-couch-holding-her-stomach_8472131.htm#fromView=search&page=1&position=1&uuid=5fe1dc69-7a15-46e3-9b1f-71ee0d199d70

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Q&A – How the subconscious mind affects the ability to leave or change a bad relationship (English subs)

https://youtu.be/PawmXh_mZ7EImage by Freepik: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/unhappy-woman-texting-cell-phone-after-argument-with-her-boyfriend-home-man-is-background_25624164.htm#query=poor%20relationship&position=14&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=4e2ba60a-058f-4473-a043-d199bdb22804

Continue ReadingQ&A – How the subconscious mind affects the ability to leave or change a bad relationship (English subs)

Q&A – The effect of a woman’s emotional maturity on the likelihood of alcoholism in a relationship (English subs)


Continue ReadingQ&A – The effect of a woman’s emotional maturity on the likelihood of alcoholism in a relationship (English subs)